★Chakra Power★
Chakra Healing Series Vol. 1★
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Chakra Power (Chakra Healing Series Vol.1) Tracklist:
1. Chakra Dharmic Wheel Attuner
2. Root Chakra (Muladhara) Healing-Balancing-Energizing Formula
3. Sacral Chakra (Svadisthana) Healing-Balancing-Energizing Formula
4. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) Healing-Balancing-Energizing Formula
5. Lower Heart Chakra (Anahata) Healing-Balancing-Energizing Formula
6. Higher Heart Chakra (Thymus Chakra) (Anahata) Healing-Balancing-Energizing Formula
7. Throat Chakra Music (Vishuddha) Healing-Balancing-Energizing Formula
8. 3rd Eye Chakra (Ajna) Healing-Balancing-Energizing Formula (Version 2.0)
9. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) Healing-Balancing-Energizing Formula
10. Chakra Hour of Power
11. Chakra Half Hour of Power
12. Chakra Power - 11 Minute Tune up
We are pleased to present you with our 1st full installment Chakra Healing album series called “Chakra Power”.
This album focuses on energizing your 7 main energy centers providing you with a plethora of healing, balancing, energizing and reviving life benefits on physical, mental and spiritual level.
As you may know,
Chakras are the energy centers of the body. The Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates to wheel or disk and are spiraling energy centers. The 7 main Chakras are located in the astral body, along the spine, starting at its base and running upwards to the crown of the head. The astral body is the energy body residing inside our physical body. Each physical body part has a corresponding astral body part. The astral body cannot be seen or touched. This is also a reason why we cannot see the chakras.
Each chakra represents spiritual energy that helps us understand ourselves better. For example, the Sahasrara Chakra energy resides at the crown of the head and represents is a realization of completeness and wholeness.
The major chakras or energy centers are located at the base of the spine at the genitals (Root Chakra), below the belly button or naval (Sacral Chakra), the abdomen (Solar Plexus Chakra), between the chest or breasts (Hermetic Plexus or Heart Chakra), the throat (Throat Chakra), between the eyes (3rd Eye Chakra), and above the head (Crown Chakra).
Our Beautiful chakras radiate a specific color and energy. Each one coincides with a gland in the physical body. Chakras in general have a very strong bearing on our health, our mental state, and our relationships with others. Based on various factors such as our lifestyle, environment and surroundings, past experiences, etc, the chakras can either be balanced or imbalanced. If a chakra is imbalanced, it goes into either a hypoactive or a hyperactive mode. Disturbances or malfunctions of this system can lead to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual disturbances or dis-ease.
Since each amazing chakra relates to specific spiritual, emotional, psychological, and physical aspects of our being, their blockage or malfunction can lead to physical, psychological, and emotional disorders. The conscious awareness and balancing of these energy centers, on the other hand, can lead to well-being and good health.
Chakras are associated with the organs and glands of the particular region where they are located. As such, A hypoactive or blocked chakra’s functioning is either insufficient or reduced. Likewise, a hyperactive chakra means there is too much energy flowing into that particular region, and as such, there is an imbalance in the overall flow of energy throughout the body.
Since chakras are interrelated, when one of them is imbalanced, it causes a disturbance in the functionality of the other beautiful chakras as well. This makes people feel disconnected, anxious, fearful, and it also manifests as health problems in one or more areas of the body. To function at their best, your chakras need to be balanced.
When the chakras are functioning properly the body's physical and subtle energies are in balance and harmony.
It is important for purposes of healing on all levels to know that the human body has subtle energy fields. The 7 main energy fields or 7 main chakras constitute the energy centers of the body. These chakras maintain a harmonious balance that preserves and restores overall health. By maintaining and bringing balance and peace to the body and mind, we can overcome obstacles, let go of emotional blockages, and walk the path towards spiritual consciousness. This album works to balance, heal, revivify and energize your 7 main chakras with ease and love.
Chakra Power (Chakra Healing Series Vol.1) Tracklist:
1. Chakra Dharmic Wheel Attuner
2. Root Chakra (Muladhara) Healing-Balancing-Energizing Formula
3. Sacral Chakra (Svadisthana) Healing-Balancing-Energizing Formula
4. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) Healing-Balancing-Energizing Formula
5. Lower Heart Chakra (Anahata) Healing-Balancing-Energizing Formula
6. Higher Heart Chakra (Thymus Chakra) (Anahata) Healing-Balancing-Energizing Formula
7. Throat Chakra Music (Vishuddha) Healing-Balancing-Energizing Formula
8. 3rd Eye Chakra (Ajna) Healing-Balancing-Energizing Formula (Version 2.0)
9. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) Healing-Balancing-Energizing Formula
10. Chakra Hour of Power
11. Chakra Half Hour of Power
12. Chakra Power - 11 Minute Tune up
1. Chakra Dharmic Wheel Attuner
This Chakra Dharmic Wheel Attuner was formulated to create an environment that refreshes, re-attunes and recalibrates your 7 main chakra energy centers in general.
Although all of the formulas within this album series have this energy and intension embedded within them, this formula is specifically catered to this one purpose making it very powerful in regards to realigning, fine tuning and recalibrating your 7 main energy centers in genera creating an environment for rapid divine healing, balancing and overall well-being.
It is great to start or end your session with this formula to ensure complete re-alignment.
2. Root Chakra (Muladhara) Healing-Balancing-Energizing Formula
This Formulation was created to help Heal, balance & energize the amazing Root chakra / Base Chakra. The 1st beautiful Chakra is known in Sanskrit as 'Muladhara’. The word muladhara is composed of two Sanskrit words - mula meaning “root” and adhara which means “base” or “support, hence its earth element properties.
The Muladhara Chakra is the foundation of the physical structure of the body. It is located at the base of the spine between the anus and the genitals.
The Muladhara Chakra radiates the color red. The Color Red is absolutely beautiful! Balancing the Root Chakra creates a solid foundation for opening all the other six chakras. When the Muladhara Chakra is balanced, the loving individual will experience a sense of grounding, stability, confidence, energy, and strength.
The Root chakra—Mūlādhāra is the chakra of stability, security, and our basic needs. The root chakra is comprised of grounding, support and adding stability into your life. This includes your basic needs such as food, water, shelter, safety, as well as your emotional needs of interconnection, and being fearless. When these needs are met, you feel grounded and safe.
The Root Chakra is associated with the physical body that includes the adrenal glands, colon, kidneys, skeleton/bones, muscles, and arterial blood that flows through the left chamber of the heart, carrying oxygen and nutrients to our body tissue. The Root Chakra provides the links between our energetic system and the physical world and is our base for our life force energy. It gives us the motivation to eat, sleep and procreate. When it comes to our psychological and spiritual nature, it helps us develop our personal integrity, self-esteem and sense of belonging.
The energies of the Root Chakra help us to feel grounded and connected to this Earth, giving us a place for our life to ‘take root’ and for the flow of energies to propel us forward on our life journey. When these energies are stuck, stagnant, imbalanced, or blocked, our vitality and zest for life are also compromised. This can happen when our sense of belonging in the world is threatened in some way, or is experienced as traumatic, leaving us feeling a deep sense of insecurity.
The root chakra is literally the foundation of the chakra system, as it connects you with your birthplace, culture and grounding support as such its health and proper functions are an absolute prerequisite for living a balanced and fulfilling life.
The Root Chakra is believed to be a survival center, making it the most instinctual of all chakras. Stabilizing the foundation of the body is important to sense completeness as this amazing chakra chakra governs a person’s relationship with both the basic physical necessities of life, such as food, water, and shelter and also the fundamental psychological factors required for mental health, like trust, acceptance, and comfort.
The Muladhara energy keeps us rooted to our inner self spreads positivity and happiness in life while forming the foundation to Kundalini Energy. It relates to our basic, primal needs of survival, stability, and support. It also represents the structure of our body, bones, flesh, and skin.
Early experiences in life are imprinted on this root chakra as well as past life memories. If a person’s root chakra is closed, or under -active, he or she may not feel grounded or safe and may experience fearfulness, lack of confidence, issues with anxieties and phobias, or feel disconnected. They may have a poor immune system, irritable bowel syndrome, or feel generally sluggish. They may also have trouble with finances.
The METAPHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES of the 1st Chakra include: Survival, Grounding, Material Possessions, Livelihood, Will to live on the Earth Plane, Poverty-Lack Consciousness/Abundance Consciousness.
Physical Benefits: Targets the adrenal glands for purposes of balancing the energy of these glands. Energetically promotes vitality, will to be on the earth, connection to the earth, sense of self-support and security and feeling grounded.
This formulation contains numerous frequencies, programmed energy, mantras such as"LAM", gemstone & crystal healing vibrations of Red Jasper, Red Garnet, Raspberry Quartz, Ruby, Red Aventurine, Black Tourmaline, Red Carnelian, Smokey Quartz & Black Obsidian all working towards a healthy root chakra and will help with imbalanced characteristics listed below.
IMBALANCED CHARACTERISTICS of the 1st Chakra include: Heaviness, Sluggish, Monotony, Obesity, Hoarding, Materialism, Greed; Fearful, Undisciplined, Restless, Underweight, Spacey; Sexually indiscriminate, focus is entirely genital, nervous sexual energy, sadistic, Feelings of lethargy or depression, Unable to take action and/or manifest intention, Feelings of being disconnected and isolated, Panic attacks or anxiety, Digestive disorders, Health issues, such as problems in the colon, bladder, and lower back, Unexplained aches and pains in the body, Reproductive issues, Insomnia and much more.
A healthy Root Chakra can provide the basis of support needed for the rest of the chakras to function properly while providing emotional strength like letting go of fear and anxiety. This results in feeling grounded and secure. When the Muladhara Chakra is awakened and energy is flowing freely, it brings positivity in all aspects of our lives. A healthy and balanced Root Chakra creates a strong connection to our earthly instincts. It improves overall confidence and increases the sense of self-worth. The energy of the Muladhara Chakra allows everyone to harness courage and perseverance during challenging times.
3. Sacral Chakra (Svadisthana) Healing-Balancing-Energizing Formula
This Formulation was created to help Heal, balance & energize the Sacral chakra.
The Second Chakra, known in Sanskrit as "Svadisthana" (meaning "Abode of the Vital Force") and in Martial Arts, it is known as the “Hara”, is our sexuality and sensuousness. Our bodies are constantly communicating with the energies surrounding us.
Every chakra preserves and channels pranic energy in our astral (energy) body and influences the balance in our physical body. The Sacral Chakra or Svadhishthana Chakra is the second energy center among the 7 vital chakras.
This chakra’s location can be best described as being situated in the lower abdomen just below the navel. It is where one feels one's power and ability to connect to others from this personal power.
This vital energy feeds our immune system. The color this chakra emits is ORANGE! The color orange is just so beautiful and is considered to induce creativity and stimulate pleasure. The color orange is also symbolic of rising consciousness just like a sunrise. Orange is the color of activity and purity. It is in this chakra that we design the life we want. The qualities that this color unfolds are joy, faith, self-confidence, and balanced energy.
The Sacral Chakra encapsulates your sexuality, self esteem, creativity, pleasures and frustrations. The Swadhistana governs life lessons involving blaming and guilt, sex, power and control; this Chakra is the base for your sense of morality. The Second Chakra is the base of your creativity, manifesting, money and prosperity. Information kept in this Chakra involves your emotions and feelings, and feelings of duality. Your personal magnetism, your patterns of control, and your sociability also emanated from the Swadhistana.
Svadhishthana Chakra enables us to shape our desires. As the center of passion, the Sacral Chakra awakens the power of creation. This allows a person to discover the power of choice and create intimate relationships. Motivated by pleasure, Sacral Chakra promotes emotional well-being. It plays an active role in our sexuality and the expression of our emotional needs and desires.
Svadhishthana means “dwelling place of the Self”, supporting personal expansion and exploration of sexuality, desires, and creativity.
The Sacral Chakra is associated with the bladder, kidneys, and reproductive organs. The element of water represents flow and flexibility as this energy assists in letting go, accepting change, and transformation in life.
When this chakra is balanced and functioning properly, we can expect our relationship with ourselves and the world to feel harmonious, pleasureful, and nurturing.
The METAPHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES of the 2nd Chakra include: Sexuality, Emotions, Relationships, Pleasure, Money, and Addictions.
When your Sacral Chakra is balanced and healthy your feelings flow freely and are expressed without being over-emotional. You are open to intimacy and you can be passionate and lively. You have no problems dealing with your sexuality.
The most effective way to help you open up and express the stifled emotions stuffed into the Second Chakra is through sound, crystal healing and meditation. When the second chakra is imbalanced, it causes emotionally disturbance, irritability, lack of creativity, and obsession with sexual thoughts.
A balanced Sacral Chakra has the ability to take risks and experience positivity and compassion. When the Sacral Chakra is imbalanced, it can make you feel emotionally and physically weak. Depression, being overly sensitive, experiencing anxiety can all be signs of disturbed energy. The fear of losing control in a relationship with compulsive or obsessive behavior is a sign of an unbalanced Sacral Chakra. It also affects the connection to physical things like work and career.
Within the water element, there is an immense power of flow. This energy has to be regulated to avoid any destructive consequences. When the Sacral Chakra is in balance, our emotions flow through us without any judgments. Recognizing these emotions enhances our ability to understand deeply and express our desires. This restores balance and harmony.
Physical Benefits: Energetically helps to balance the female and male sexual reproductive organs which correspond and correlates to the 2nd Chakra (Svadisthana); and the intestinal tract. Also energetically promotes lower creativity, sexuality, assertiveness, ability to form healthy sexual relationships, fertility and lower intuition (gut feeling).
This formulation contains numerous frequencies, programmed energy, mantras such as"VAM", gemstone & crystal healing vibrations of Carnelian, Citrine, Orange Tourmaline, Amber, Fire Opal, Sunstone, Tiger's Eye, Peach Quartz, Fire Jasper, Orange Zincite, Moonstone and Tangerine Quartz all working towards a balanced, energized and healthy Sacral chakra while revitalzing imbalanced characteristics listed below.
IMBALANCED CHARACTERISTICS of the 2nd Chakra include: Eating disorders, intimacy issues, impotence, frigidity, depression, overly emotional, poor boundaries, sex addiction, obsessive attachments; emotionally explosive, aggressive, manipulative, overindulgent, self-serving; sexually frigid, impotent, rigid, emotionally numb, fearful of pleasure; obsessed with thoughts of sex, see people of opposite sex as sex objects, requires frequent sexual gratification, lower back pain, Arthritis, Genital or sexual problems, Hip issues, Anemia, Spleen and kidney issues, Lack of creativity, detachment and much more.
The Svadhishthana Chakra or Sacral Chakra symbolizes creative potential, the ability to harbor fulfilling relationships, as well as our sexual energy. Suppressing such vital energy or obsessing over negative thoughts and patterns causes blockages. This chakra releases a person from controlling behavior and fear of abandonment. Restoring balance to the Sacral Chakra creates an empowered and confident individual.
4. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) Healing-Balancing-Energizing Formula
This Formulation was created to help Heal, balance & energize the Solar Plexus chakra.
The Third Chakra, known in #Sanskrit as "#Manipura" (meaning "Jewel of the Navel"), is where we assimilate and discern all information, including all information and the impact of others upon us.This chakra gives us good judgment and discernment, a sense of who we are.
The beautiful color this chakra emits is YELLOW! Yellow symbolizes energy, intellect, and also the connection a person has with the Fire and Sun. The color yellow also represents youth, new beginnings, joy, birth, and re-birth. Yellow connects us with knowledge and intellect. People who are drawn to the color yellow are interested in intellectual pursuits.
Located midway between the navel and the base of the sternum, this chakra is related to the element of fire. It has a connection with the sun, heat, the energy of light, vital energy and many forms of power. Fire purifies the past and energizes progress towards mental awareness and spiritual development. This chakra is where we get our "gut instincts" that signal us what to do when we need guidance.
The Solar Plexus Chakra encapsulates your Personal power, self-image, self-esteem, courage/fear, willpower, drive, determination and ambition as It guides you through life by creating a strong sense of self, setting personal boundaries and building self esteem and willpower. The ability to bring change into your life and to the world is born within this Chakra.
The Solar Plexus chakra is directed by the principle of power and the intellect. A balanced SolarPlexus Chakra boosts self esteem, respect for others, calmness and initiative. You feel friendly, joyful and confident. The fire element is represented in the body as heat or Agni in the solar plexus. At the center of the physical and astral body, the Manipura Chakra attracts prana and manages this life energy in order to balance the body and mind. Excessive fire, excessive energy in the Solar Plexus Chakra can create impulsive reactions such as anger and aggression which is a sign of blocked chakra.
A balanced chakra helps you live a deeply fulfilling emotional life and take an outgoing and sociable attitude to the world. It helps you feel daring and confident and able to take risks, hence this chakra is associated with the leader, the explorer and the charismatic individual.
Physical Benefits: The solar plexus chakra is connected to the digestive system, especially the gastric and hypogastric plexi, which convert matter into energy to fuel your body. The pancreas is a gland commonly associated with it. The main function of the solar plexus chakra is to give you actual momentum to move forward and realize your personal desires and intentions.
This chakra plays a fundamental role in the development of your personal power. It feeds your direction in life and guides you in the actions that you should take in order to attain your goals.
This chakra also has an influence on your preoccupations about your self-image and your social status while being associated with your expression of will and your intellectual abilities. It helps you harness your personal power and manifest your ideas and plans into reality.
This chakra governs your upper abdomen, umbilicus to rib cage, liver, gallbladder, middle spine, spleen, kidney, adrenals, small intestines, stomach, metabolism, especially with regards to the process of carbohydrates. Also, energetically promotes self-esteem, courage, sense of identity, personal power, and transformation of desires, ambitions and emotions into desire.
It’s also the chakra responsible for forming strong personal opinions and beliefs. The solar plexus chakra gives you clarity of judgment, self-assurance, self-confidence, self-discipline, and independence. When there’s a healthy yellow energy, there’s also healthy digestion and good eating habits. The core body is strong, and you exhibit physical strength.
You radiate good health, and you are always vibrant and energetic.
When the yellow energy is weak, the body also starts to suffer or show signs of weakness. Problems in the digestive system start to manifest, as well as disorders in the gallbladder, pancreas, and liver.
The body also starts to show signs of diabetes, hypoglycemia, chronic fatigue, hypertension, or fibromyalgia.
Yellow energy represents your autonomy, will, and self-definition. It’s the building block of your power and personal development.
This color symbolizes the developmental stage when you learn to use language.
This formulation contains numerous frequencies, programmed energy, mantras such as"RAM", gemstone & crystal healing vibrations of Yellow Jasper, Yellow Labrodorite, Citrine, Amber, Yellow Calcite, and Sunstone all working towards a balanced, energized and healthy Solar Plexus Chakra while revitalizing imbalanced characteristics listed below.
IMBALANCED CHARACTERISTICS of the 3rd Chakra include: stomach ulcers, intestinal tumors, diabetes, pancreatitis, indigestion, anorexia/bulimia, hepatitis, cirrhosis, adrenal imbalances, arthritis, colon diseases, Dominating, controlling, aggressive, scattered, constantly active, weak will, poor self-esteem, passive, sluggish, fearful, lacks confidence, worries about what others will think, judgmental, workaholic, perfectionistic, overly intellectual, resents authority; Sexually demanding, sexually insecure, constantly testing one.
When the Manipura Chakra is out of alignment, digestive issues arise. This can show up as improper processing of nutrients, constipation, or irritable bowel syndrome. Eating disorders, Ulcers, Diabetes, issues with the pancreas, liver, and colon are some of the symptoms of imbalance in this energy center of the Manipura Chakra.
An imbalance can also cause severe emotional problems. Starting with doubt and mistrust towards the people in your life, continuing with a lot of worries about what others may think about you. Some people may experience low levels of self-esteem, searching for continuous confirmation and approval from others. This imbalance may lead to unhealthy attachments to people in your life.
Activating the Manipura Chakra cultivates a willingness to gain insight into an understanding of power, individuality, and identity. In some people, a misaligned Solar Plexus Chakra can make skillful self-expression challenging. In some, it manifests as overly rigid or controlling behavior. In others, it breeds a victim mentality, neediness, and lack of direction or self-esteem to stand up and take positive action.
The Manipura Chakra is the center of fire or Agni. The fire element burns the negative to manifest and sustain the positive. A balanced energy center contributes to the physical, mental, and emotional wellness.
5. Lower Heart Chakra (Anahata) Healing-Balancing-Energizing Formula
This Formulation was created to help Heal, balance & energize the Lower Heart chakra.
The Fourth Chakra, known in Sanskrit as "Anahata" (meaning "Unbeaten"), is where one gives and receives love. Commonly called the heart center, the anahata chakra is located in the dorsal region of the spine near the physical heart in the center of the chest. This is where one connects with one another and shares this beautiful energy without losing oneself. This is the chakra for love. The color this chakra (Lower Heart Chakra) emits is Green.
Green is the color of growth, life, and balance as it represents the energy of love and transformation. It allows you to transform your ego and the needs of your lower chakras and open up to love. To become more loving and compassionate overall.
When this amazing chakra is balanced and energized, we are able to receive love and give it joyfully to the others. Moreover, this chakra allows us to care about and connect sincerely with billions of other individuals, creating a web of connections that have not been possible before.
The green colour of the Anahata Chakra represents growth and renewed healthy relationships. The colour green is associated with nature, freshness, and tenderness. It is a healing and restful colour for the human eye. Green suggests stability and endurance. Serenity, calmness, balance, and compassion for yourself, and others are the themes of the Heart Chakra.
The predominant colour of the Anahata Chakra is green. Eating foods of the same colour as the chakra you are trying to heal can balance the energy flow around that area. The foods that help restore the balance are- spinach, kale, broccoli, matcha, green apples, green tea, cucumbers, etc. Green vegetables are also recommended by expert nutritionists for a healthy body and mind.
Air is the element ruled by this beautiful chakra as air links to our breath and life force energy stored in the lungs close to the heart chakra. The nerves of the anahata chakra radiate out to the heart, lungs, and chest, and into the arms and hands which is why this element is also related to touch, emotions and expansion. Therefore, when the heart chakra is healthy, we can express our feelings, open ourselves to others, and are more receptive to touch.
The anahata chakra is one of the seven chakras that store and distribute energy; the chakras also serve as the repositories of psychological or mental tendencies, habits, and desires, which descend from the subconscious mind. The energy that emanates from the Heart Chakra is freeing and expansive.
When one’s energy is going downward toward lower consciousness, the chakra is expressed as connections to particularized matter in the form of likes and dislikes; it may lead one toward further involvement in the world of delusion. When the energy is moving in a positive direction, the heart chakra can express itself as the unconditional love, which leads one toward spiritual liberation.
The lower heart chakra resonates in compassion with the earth tone or vibrations. The upper heart chakra, the thymus, responds at a harmonic level of vibration. It is the sounding together of both upper and lower Hearts that literally opens an energy portal.
This portal is literally described as unconditional love and Infinite Compassion. It is pleasure, the enjoyment of Life, and the expression of Life in enjoyable fashions that nurture your conversion with this emerging portal of Compassion within the Universal Heart. The energy of anahata allows us to recognize that we are part of something larger, that we are interconnected within an intricate web of relationships extending through life and the universe.
When The Heart Chakra is open and energy is flowing freely, you are not only loving to others, you are also loving to your self. You know when you need to say no and when you need care and self-nurturing.
You see beloveds, love Is the unifying force, the energy that is the most fundamental part of the universe, and of ourselves. To open to love is to reach to the deepest places and connect with our true essence, our spirit, and our soul.
Physical Benefits: Energetically promotes self-healing, feeling/empathy, compassion, and service to others. You will feel a great compassion for all living creatures, and will recognize their amazing intelligence! You will be kind, caring, understand, joyous and outgoing, feeling completely at ease with yourself and the people in your life.
This formulation contains numerous frequencies, programmed energy, mantras such as"YAM", gemstone & crystal healing vibrations of Seraphanite, Emerald, Green Tourmaline, Green Aventurine, Bloodstone, Green Garnet, Gaia Stone, Moldavite, Chrysoprase, Prenite, Aqaumarine, Peridot, Idiocrase, Amazonite, Malachite, Green Quartz, Smithsonite, Green Kyanite, Chrysocolla, Green Fluorite, and Serpentine all working towards a balanced, energized and healthy Lower Heart Chakra while revitalizing imbalanced characteristics listed below.
IMBALANCED CHARACTERISTICS of the 4th Chakra include: Demanding, overly critical, possessive, moody, melodramatic, manic-depressive, uses money to control people, Heart Palpitations, chest pain, poor circulation, high/low blood pressure, and in more serious cases, heart attack, ruled by your own emotions; sadness, anger, grief, despair, greediness and happiness will come over you with no or little control.
6. Higher Heart Chakra (Anahata) Healing-Balancing-Energizing Formula
This Formulation was created to help Heal, balance & energize the Higher Heart chakra.
The Higher heart Chakra also considered the The 4th Chakra, known in Sanskrit as "Anahata" (meaning "Unbeaten"), is where one gives and receives love as well. The Higher Heart Chakra emits the color Pink.
It is our energy center from which love, joy, happiness and compassion emanate from. It also allows us to feel sorrow, sadness, anger, and lust, all of which are feelings of the lower heart chakra – but essential in understanding ourselves in this World, so that we may over-come them and move to the Higher Heart, where Pure, Unconditional Love exists.
The lower heart chakra resonates in compassion with the earth tone or vibrations. The upper heart chakra, the thymus, responds at a harmonic level of vibration. It is the sounding together of both upper and lower Hearts that literally opens an energy portal. This portal is literally described as unconditional love and Infinite Compassion.
This energy center is the seat of acceptance, compassion, and inner peace and is the bridge between the voice of reason and the heart’s emotions. The Thymus chakra allows you to vocally express the emotions (positive or negative) generated in the spiritual heart. Anahata Chakra is the most influential energy centre out of the seven chakras. Exploring divinity through pure love inspires this fourth chakra. A Heart Chakra opens the channels of the heart, allowing us to receive and give freely.
In Sanskrit, anahata means “unstruck” or “unbeaten”. This signifies an impartial and infinite love allowing a deeper understanding of self and others. It is located in the region of the heart, in the energy centre of the chest. It invites a person to meditate on the different levels of relationship experiences with an open heart.
The Heart Chakra is the hub of our bodies, the center point where our internal masculine and feminine and our human and divine energies meet. The fourth chakra rules ALL of our intra- and inter-personal relationships. This chakra rules our perception of love, our ability to give and receive love from others, our highest essence, and ourselves.
It is the chakra of yang, or positive energy, connecting the lower chakras to the higher ones and is very important in your spiritual healing and evolutional development.
The Higher Heart Chakra or Thymus Chakra is positioned above the physical thymus gland, between the Heart and Throat Chakras, creating a pull of both energies. The combination of these energies enables a powerful opening to occur that allows a loving communication between Human and Spirit.
The Thymus Chakra deals specifically with communication with Angels, Masters, Guides, our Higher Self and Higher Energies from the realms of light. It allows us to access the sacred records. It is an activator of higher consciousness, yet it allows the Higher Mind to meet the Inner Child. It is able to bring belief and spiritual wisdom down from the heavens while keeping us connected to the earth plane.
You are also able to connect your dreams with waking reality. The opening of this center is the important first step into your spiritual awakening. When it is open fully, the Heart Chakra connects to the Channel for Universal Compassion – Our True Self. It is here where we invite this Infinite Love to flow through us, allowing it to heal ourselves and others. The lesson of the Heart is that we first must Love and Accept ourselves before we can Love Others.
Physical Benefits: This Chakra Vibrationally affects the thymus gland and immune system; energetically promotes fertility and conception in females, vibrationally promotes unconditional love, the ability to express and receive love, trusting in love, feeling safe to love, and removing barriers that prevent from loving truthfully. You will feel a great compassion for all living creatures, and will recognize their amazing intelligence!
This formulation contains numerous frequencies, programmed energy, mantras such as"YAM", gemstone & crystal healing vibrations of Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Pink Opal, Pink Calcite, Mangano, Rhodochrosite, Morganite, Pink Girasol, Pink Tourmaline, Dolemite, Kunzite, Dandurite and Pink Lepidolite all working towards a balanced, energized and healthy Higher Heart Chakra while revitalizing imbalanced characteristics listed below.
Utilizing the beautiful energies of YAM, this formula focuses on the energy of the anahata chakra, the center of love and acceptance, where the physical body and the spiritual meet and, therefore, affects physical and spiritual wellbeing. When activated, the anahata chakra promotes love, compassion, forgiveness and both self-acceptance and acceptance of others.
IMBALANCED CHARACTERISTICS of the 4th Chakra include: Manipulative, over critical, and judge-mental of yourself and others, very negative in your thinking, and may find it very difficult to keep a positive out-look in life. You may feel unloved, unworthy and unappreciated, and this will manifest in the world around you, only confirming these “beliefs” about yourself.
Issues with the energy flow in the Heart Chakra can make us feel lonely, isolated, and unable to connect. This is because when we are wounded and feel stuck in the past it leads to anxiety. Some people may be afraid of sharing and trusting their relationships. Any resolved disappointment from childhood may affect our behavior as an adult. Any of the below-mentioned symptoms indicates that the Heart Chakra requires to rebalance and healing.
• Fear of rejection
• Loss of trust in a committed relationship
• Issues with giving and receiving affection
• Over dependency in a relationship
• Distant behaviour with people who care
• Tough and unemotional appearance while feeling vulnerable
• Physical symptoms such as heart palpitation, poor blood circulation, heart pain, angina, or even problems like asthma.
When the Heart Chakra opens, you’ll feel an abundance of empathy, compassion, and love. This applies not only to others but also to oneself. A balanced chakra allows people to be who they are, instead of attempting to live up to external expectations.
A person with an open Heart Chakra develops trust in themselves and respects others. Here are some of the ways to unblock the Heart Chakra. The energy of the Heart Chakra has a deep impact on our personality. A meaningful and balanced life can be achieved when our Heart Chakra is in balance. Maintaining a balanced Heart Chakra brings knowledge of the Self, which helps develop a strong relationship with others.
7. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) Healing-Balancing-Energizing-Formula
This Formulation was created to help Heal, balance & energize the Throat chakra.
As you may know, The 5th Chakra or Throat Chakra, known in Sanskrit as “Vishuddha” (meaning “Pure” or “Purification”), deals with Communication, creativity, healing, learning, truth, speech, Having responsibility for one's own needs, confession, faith, truthfulness, self-knowledge, and expression. Located at the center of the neck at the level of the throat, it is the passage of the energy between the lower parts of the body and the head.
The function of the Throat chakra is driven by the principle of expression and communication.The Vishuddha chakra governs the throat, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, trachea, cervical vertebrae, vocal cords, neck, shoulder, arms, hands, esophagus, mouth, teeth, and gums.
The Throat chakra is associated to the pharyngeal and brachial plexi and is connected to the jaws, tongue, pharynx and palate.
This Amazing Chakra is all about expression, how we use our inner voice and sound to communicate with others. The throat chakra is associated with the etheric body. It’s an important reference point to align the energy through the whole chakra system. The Sanskrit word 'vishuddha' means purifying the body from harmful substances.
The Throat Chakra restores the energy by detoxifying the impurities from the body and mind. Unhealthy food and polluted air block the Throat Chakra. An active Vishuddhi Chakra contributes to the preservation of health.
The Throat Chakra is associated with the color bright blue. Blue energy is pure, soothing, calming, and healing and connects a person with the divine. The element of space defines the Throat Chakra. Emotions can only expand when there are space and freedom. The seed mantra of Vishuddha Chakra is Ham.
The fifth chakra gives voice to the feelings of the heart. It speaks out our love, kindness, and forgiveness. In this center the four elements—earth, water, fire, and air—of the lower chakras are combined into pure energy, which provides the matrix or framework for our dreams. The element of Vishuddha Chakra is Akasha or space. Space opens the possibility of an expansion of perspective. It symbolizes the energy of seeking and speaking the truth.
The Vishuddha Chakra also governs our internal communication with our true Self. When this chakra is balanced, we are able to listen to the guidance of pure energy. We are able to understand others deeply and effectively. Many of us have energetic blocks and imbalances as well as energy-sabotaging habits that prevent us from accessing our full vitality, which leads us to feel exhausted, scattered, dull… even ill.
The good news is that doesn’t have to continue!
Connecting with our inner truth begins with quieting the mind. Mindful breathing presents a way to calm thoughts by focusing attention on the breath. While inhaling deeply, experience the flow of air passing smoothly to the lungs. While exhaling slowly, experience the release of all negative impurities blocking the body and mind.
Every time working on aligning a chakra maximizes the chances of creating a happy, well-balanced life. Healing the Throat Chakra isn't as difficult as it might seem and the improvement in communication impacts all aspects of life. The feeling of freedom and empowerment to understand our authentic Self comes with a balanced Throat Chakra.
The Throat chakra is most commonly represented with the color blue turquoise or aquamarine blue.
This formulation contains numerous frequencies, programmed energy, mantras such as”HUM”, gemstone & crystal healing vibrations of Blue Lace Agate, Angelite, Amazonite, Turquoise, Aquamarine, Chrysocola, Celestite, Azurite, and Lapis Lazuli all working towards a balanced, energized and healthy Throat Chakra while revitalizing imbalanced characteristics listed below. When the energy of the Vishuddha Chakra is imbalanced, communication breaks down. We refuse to listen to our inner Self and to others. Others are unable to understand us and feelings of loneliness surround us.
The symptoms of a disturbed Throat Chakra are:
• Hesitation in expressing emotions
• Lacking the vocabulary to describe your feelings
• A sense of feeling of misunderstanding by people around you
• Aggressive behavior
• Use of negative words and actions
Since the Vishuddha Chakra is connected to the throat, there are visible physical problems due to imbalance. A sore throat, fluctuations in hormone levels, and pain or stiffness in the neck area can be symptoms of a misaligned Throat Chakra.
The Throat chakra is associated with the following psychological and behavioral characteristics:
• Expression, in particular ability to express your truth, to speak out
• Communication, whether it’s verbal or non-verbal, external or internal
• Connection with the etheric realm, the more subtle realms of spirit and intuitive abilities
• Propensity to create, projecting ideas and blueprints into reality
• Realizing your vocation, purpose
• Good sense of timing and much more.
Thyroid Issues, Sore Throats, Mouth Ulcers, Neck Pain, Hearing difficulty, ear aches, compulsive talking, speaking inappropriately, unable to listen to others, fear of speaking, unable to keep secrets or keep your word, Telling lies, dishonesty, excessive secretiveness or shyness, afraid of openly expressing your views, unable to stand up for yourself, dental or jaw problems as well as shoulder, arm and neck stiffness, arthritis etc.
On the contrary, the ones with healthy Throat Chakras have highly attuned communication skills and the ability to detect lies or truths in conversations.
The Throat chakra is about the expression of yourself: Your truth, purpose in life, creativity. Note that this chakra has a natural connection with the second chakra or sacral chakra, center of emotions and creativity as well. The throat chakra’s emphasis is on expressing and projecting the creativity into the world according to its perfect form or authenticity.
Another function of the throat chakra is to connect you to spirit. Because of its location, it’s often seen as the “bottleneck” of the movement of energy in the body. It sits just before the upper chakras of the head. Opening the 5th Chakra can greatly help align your vision with reality and release pressure that may affect the heart chakra that is located just below.
The throat chakra is associated with the etheric body, which hold the blueprint or perfect template of the other dimensions of the body. It’s an important reference point to align the energy through the whole chakra system.
The energy of the Vishuddha or Throat Chakra can prove to be your greatest strength if used effectively. The ease of communication in expressing emotions is a basic need. When our communication, with others and with ourselves flows, we experience more clarity and positivity of thoughts. When we have more clarity, our intention and actions are clear too and any toxic impurity holds less power over us.
As the saying goes "Let me clear my throat" ;)
8. 3rd Eye Chakra (Ajna) Healing-Balancing-Energizing-Formula (Version 2.0)
This Formulation was created to help Heal, balance & energize the 3rd Eye chakra.
This 3rd Eye version is a brand new 3rd eye formula, formulated to work with no limits. This is now the youtube version that we presented as this is version 2.0. Now that you have this album in your collection, you can enjoy this limitless 3rd eye formula version that will provide next level results.
As you may know, The 6th Chakra or 3rd Eye Chakra or Brow Chakra, known in Sanskrit as “Ajna” (meaning “Beyond Wisdom” or “Authority”), deals with wisdom, understanding, mindfulness, insight, self-realization, inspiration, imagination, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance, telepathy, ESP (extra sensory perception), intuition, and Cosmic consciousness).
It is pronounced as ‘Agya Chakra’ and is the focal point of concentration during asana or meditation practices. This is where we not only see what is going on around us, but we also understand the meanings behind almost everything! It also helps us establish a healthy and disciplined view of reality without missing seeing the bigger picture. It is the center of perception, consciousness and intuition.
While we see physically with the two physical eyes, we see spiritually with the 3rd eye, located directly in the middle of the physical eyes. The 3rd eye is our spiritual eye and just as the physical eyes can suffer, so can our spiritual eyesight.
The Ajna chakra is the seat of wisdom, consciousness, and one’s soul. It provides access to our Higher Self, astral projection / astral travel, and ascension to the Akashic Records.
While the two physical eyes see the past and the present, the third eye reveals insight into the future. This chakra establishes a connection with the external world through inner vision. Focusing on the third eye motivates us to move beyond the worldly desire and distractions. When the Ajna Chakra is awakened, it increases consciousness and transcends to the higher realms.
Spiritually, this chakra can lead to a higher level of consciousness and a realization that the self and universe are one. The third eye chakra, or brow chakra, is where we perceive the higher dimensions of reality and connect to the universal consciousness and is also connected to our biorhythms, the control center of our minds that regulates sleep and waking times.
Ajna Chakra is the sixth energy center of all the seven chakras. The balance of this chakra is freedom of thought and expression. The color that reflects its concept is indigo. The almost dark blue hues or royal blue is associated with night. It also opens the door to the Divine. Indigo is the color of wisdom and inner knowledge. It brings clarity to all the five senses in the body. The color Indigo encourages the transformation of energies from the lower chakras into higher spiritual vibrations.
The energy of the Ajna chakra allows us to not only see but to understand the inner and outer worlds. When stimulated, both hemispheres of the brain work together and help us transcend dualistic thinking. The ajna chakra is associated with the element of light, the color indigo, and the energy of Hakini Shakti.
Ajna’s seed syllable, om (or aum), is a mantra that can also help access the powers of intuition and insight. The Ajna symbol is an OM positioned over an inverted triangle that is seated within a circle between two lotus petals.
This symbol contains two elements associated with wisdom: the upside-down triangle and the lotus flower. It strongly supports the concept of supreme intelligence and spiritual enlightenment. It channels the energy towards universal knowledge and is a gateway to higher consciousness.
This formula also contains Aum Mantra for purposes of stimulating the 3rd eye and providing a host of benefits. AUM is the ultimate consciousness in universal vibration of awareness.
Aum seeks to break down the illusion of the physical world to bring us to a transcendental state where we can access the rarest form of present consciousness, the heightened sense of self, and the purest realization of peace and calm.
Balancing the chakras requires patience and a high level of awareness. With the Third-Eye Chakra, a balanced state improves the physical and the spiritual. The intuition becomes strong as it is easier to listen to the inner wisdom. Equal importance is given to emotions as well as logic to make correct decisions in life.
A person with an overactive Ajna Chakra should spend more time with nature. It calms the overwhelming energies of the mind. Connecting to earth activates the basic instinct of grounded-ness in human beings.
Likewise, an under-active Ajna Chakra could be brought to focus by practicing meditation in a peaceful space. Channelizing the energies is a skill that improves with practice. Maintaining a journal of thought patterns is also a good habit to increase awareness.
The 6th chakra is most commonly represented with the colors Dark blue, ultramarine blue, indigo and purple.
This formulation contains mantra such as”AUM”, #gemstone & #crystal healing vibrations of Clear Quartz Crystal, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli ,Labradorite, Sodalite, Azurite, Black Obsidian, Citrine, Lolite, Fluorite, Arfvedsonite, Kunzite, Apophyllite. Arfvedsonite, Hypersthene, Blue Aragonite, Lepidolite, Moonstone, Purple Fluorite, Black Tormaline, Kyanite, Turquoise, Celestite, all working towards a balanced, energized and healthy 6th Chakra while revitalizing imbalanced characteristics of the 3rd eye.
The third eye chakra is primarily linked to the pituitary gland, which regulates serotonin. Balanced Anja benefits include intuition, perception, imagination, good memory, good dream recall, improved visualization, encouraging an open-mind and an ability to see the big picture.
The increasing desire for material things disconnects us from our true Self. There is impatience, expectations, burdens of the past, and many more negative thoughts that block our vision. This distance from spirituality blurs our intuition and imbalances Ajna Chakra. Other aspects that manifest are indecisiveness, confusion, lack of focus and purpose, or depression. The struggle to reach your goals becomes even more difficult with self-doubt and narrow mindedness.
An overactive Ajna Chakra is not that common since physical reality is dominating in a modern lifestyle. However, in unique circumstances, an overactive Third-Eye Chakra results in overwhelming feelings. The psychic activities increase with instances of paranormal experiences. This can also lead to hallucinations and complete dissociation from the real world.
The physical symptoms of an imbalanced third eye chakra affect the neurons of the brain with problems like:
• Eye problems
• Headache
• Migraine
• Brain disorders
• Insomnia
• Endocrine imbalance
• Disorders in pituitary and pineal gland, hypothalamus
When the third eye chakra is unbalanced you may feel:
• Headaches/migraines
• Personality disorders
• Scalp issues
• Vision problems
• Mental illnesses
• Neurological disorders
• Seizures
When the third eye chakra is underactive you may feel:
• Inability to plan or set goals
• Narrow mindedness
• Denial
• Poor vision/memory
• Difficulty seeing future
• Lack of immagination
When the third eye chakra is overactive you may feel:
• Obsessed with psychic vision
• Paranoia
• Hallucination
• Tendency to space out
• Difficulty concentrating
• Nightmares
When the third eye chakra is balanced you may feel:
• Intuitive/psychic
• Optimistic
• Perceptive
• Imaginative
• Watchful
• Aware
• Good memory
• Can recall dreams
The increasing desire for material things disconnects us from our true Self. There is impatience, expectations, burdens of the past, and many more negative thoughts that block our vision.
This distance from spirituality blurs our intuition and imbalances Ajna Chakra. Other aspects that manifest are indecisiveness, confusion, lack of focus and purpose, or depression. The struggle to reach your goals becomes even more difficult with self-doubt and narrow mindedness.
An overactive Ajna Chakra is not that common since physical reality is dominating in a modern lifestyle. However, in unique circumstances, an overactive Third-Eye Chakra results in overwhelming feelings.
The psychic activities increase with instances of paranormal experiences. This can also lead to hallucinations and complete dissociation from the real world.
The physical symptoms of an imbalanced third eye chakra affect the neurons of the brain with problems like:
• Eye problems
• Headache
• Migraine
• Brain disorders
• Insomnia
• Endocrine imbalance
• Disorders in pituitary and pineal gland, hypothalamus
This formula also works incoherence with our Pineal Gland formula.
It is designed to work only if you’re 1st to 6th Chakra are balanced for safety and protection purposes.
The powers of the Third-Eye Chakra are infused with supreme knowledge and wisdom. Ajna Chakra balances the physical and spiritual qualities and brings harmony to the body and mind. Connecting with your Ajna Chakra can be practiced daily. Awakening the Ajna Chakra brings new opportunities, peace, and fulfillment in life.
9. Crown Chakra (Ajna) Healing-Balancing-Energizing-Formula
This Formulation was created to help Heal, balance & energize the Crown Chakra.
The seven chakras in the body are symbolized by the petal of a lotus flower preserving the flow of energy. The complete opening of all the petals achieves a universal balance of body, mind, and spirit. and Sahasrara Chakra is the seventh chakra that activates this divine energy.
The Sanskrit word Sahasrara means 'thousand' or 'infinite'. The Sahasrara Chakra is located at the top of the head and is also known as the Crown Chakra. Sahasrara is the final of the seven main chakras. It creates a strong connection with the supreme Self.
The awakening of the Crown Chakra means a universal flow of energy and spiritual enlightenment. It is represented by pure white light or violet color. The seed mantra of Sahasrara Chakra is AUM. It is considered to influence brain functions such as memory, intelligence, and sharp focus.
The crown chakra provides a sense of wholesomeness or completion, self-realization, enlightenment, and pure bliss. The word “Sahasrara” means “thousand-petalled.” When the Sahasrara Chakra activates, it brings a more positive outlook on life. There are visible changes in our habits and attitude.
The Self is no longer ruled by the ego. Emotions like gratitude, compassion, and acceptance become our true Self. It is a rejection of all negative thoughts that bring unhappiness and stress in our lives. A balanced Crown Chakra brings spiritual understanding and peace with a clear perspective.
When the Crown Chakra is unbalanced or blocked, he or she may experience disillusionment, boredom, melancholy, and restlessness.
Violet or white is the color of the Crown Chakra. Violet is the color of spirituality. It is a unifying color that contains all the qualities of other chakras when completely activated. It brings a strong emotion of letting go and also the joy of transformation. There is a realization of a profound change. The spirit of violet allows the self to look beyond the merely physical and material values of existence.
Balancing the Crown chakra may help you feel more ease. Mentally, the ability to situate yourself in the world around you brings relaxation and clear-headedness. Increased synergy between the physical and mental allows a deeper connection with the spiritual realm. There are things you can do on and off the mat to strike an equilibrium
Om is the Kundalini bija mantra. Chanting OM (pronounced AUM), works on the vibrational frequency of the Crown chakra. Use the breath – breathe in and as you breathe out vibrate the sound OM. This mantra is very powerful and signifies the essence of the ultimate reality.
Discover the infinite within, and know that it is one with all outside of your. Working with the top of the head through asana is a beautiful step to help clear the Crown chakra. When we work on the body, tightness and stagnation can come to the surface.
If we can find the patience and the wisdom to sit with it and watch it without judgment, we can start to understand the deeper lessons, meanings and connections of everything that arises and then consciously let it go. As a result, we find freedom. Within the Crown Chakra, this means the freedom to deeply connect with all.
Violet is the color for this chakra. Try visualizing it during your relaxation or meditation – perhaps as a glowing halo just above your head. With your eyes closed, imagine the radiance. Let it pulse with the breath, awareness rising up into a column of light, shining back down into you.
Draw it in through your crown, to fill your entire body and the space surrounding you, rise back out through the crown, encasing yourself in a sparkling violet spotlight… As you meditate on your crown, visualizing your breath as a beautiful column of violet light – chant the sound OM to connect with all that exists inside and outside of you.
The biggest challenge of the Crown Chakra is on a mental level; when someone is too withdrawn and attached to the materialistic pursuits of this existence as well as stuck in their way of thinking. A person with a blocked Crown Chakra may experience unwillingness to be open to other ideas, thoughts, or knowledge.
The signs such as psychosis, dissociation from the body, being disconnected and ungrounded are also manifested when the Crown Chakra is unbalanced. This chakra can produce different symptoms depending on excessive or insufficient activity.
At the end of this article, you will have attained sufficient knowledge regarding the Sahasrara. Mastery of this knowledge is essential as it helps you to:
• Develop a sharp mind
• Develop an excellent overall health
• Develop excellent insight and visualization
• See and sense connections
• Develop a sense of peace and serenity
• Gain much sharper senses
• See beyond your immediate reality and increase your awareness
Sahasrara, the most common Sanskrit name for the Crown chakra, means ‘thousand-petaled’.
This energy centre controls our connection to spirit, and our sense of universal consciousness, wisdom, unity and self-knowledge. Association with the colour violet reflects the Crown chakra’s link to spirituality and enlightenment.
The Symptoms of an Overactive Crown Chakra
• Cynicism
• Apathy
• Spiritual addiction
• Self-destructive tendencies
• Overwhelmed by knowledge
The Symptoms of an Underactive Crown Chakra
• Confusion about what you want to do
• Lack of inspiration
• Desire to oversleep
Physical Symptoms of an Imbalanced Crown Chakra
• Poor coordination
• Chronic tension headaches
• Exhaustion
The Crown chakra stores energies amassed through kind thoughts and actions, faith, meditation and prayer. Here we are able to transcend the material world and commune with the divine, thus aligning to an intimate relationship with the universe. Meaning a pure relationship with our true self.
10. Chakra Hour of Power
This track combines all of the formulas in this series providing a full 1 hour energizing session. Great for individuals who would like a full chakra balancing session for a full hour. You can simply repeat if you would like to balance your chakras much longer.
11. Chakra Half Hour of Power
This track combines all of the formulas in this series providing a full half hour energizing session. Great for individuals who would like a full chakra balancing session for a full half hour. You can simply repeat if you would like to balance your chakras much longer.
12. Chakra 11 Minute Tune Up
This track combines all of the formulas in this series providing a full 11 Minute energizing session.
Great for individuals who would like a full chakra balancing session for a full half hour. You can simply repeat if you would like to balance your chakras much longer.
You are Powerful, loving, Extraordinary, Pure and a very energetic being full of radiance, Full of Divinity, Full of Energy, Full of Vibration, Full of Light, Full of love, Full of beauty, Full of Joy, Full of intelligence, full of integrity!
Be inspired: The Earth, Plants, Animals and Your energy field is an electromagnetic field which vibrates and has its own unique resonant frequencies which interact with and is affected by the Earth’s Resonances. Its a beautiful dance and there’s a beautiful orchestra /symphony (frequencies and vibrations) out there, and you’re a precious member of it.
Your energy field can be a blessing, a song of peace, of joy, of abundance. This is why it is so important to protect , balance, heal and energize your energy system. This is where your amazing chakras come into play.
For example: If your chakras ever become out of sync, they can negatively impact your physical, mental and spiritual health. Each of the chakras is associated with a particular body part and its proper functioning.
It is important to become aware of the 7 main chakras present in your body as it will help in detecting any deeply-rooted issues in the body before they come to the surface. Locating and analyzing the chakras can help in healing old emotional and physical wounds
Chakra balancing is the process of reaching a place of balance between the spirit, body and health. It ensures that there is a harmonious flow of energy throughout the body.
The word chakra literally means "wheel" in Sanskrit and symbolises the flow of energy in our body. The 7 chakras present in your body are actually energy centres and are known to regulate emotions. Their origin can be traced to early Hinduism and Buddhism and both of them talk about the shifting nature of chakras.
According to the meditation practices, if the chakras ever become out of sync, they can negatively impact your physical, mental and spiritual health. Each of the chakras is associated with a particular body part and its proper functioning.
Each chakra can influence the organs of the body that are close in proximity, but also can influence the muscles, ligaments, and all other body parts within its energy field. Chakras may also affect your psychological and spiritual health. There are also colors associated with the chakras. Light and color move through them and may change colors while spinning, but there are colors that typically correspond with each chakra.
Overall, Chakra Power (Chakra Healing Series Vol.1) focuses on balancing, healing, revivifying and energizing your 7 main chakras 100%.
When you order an album from Spirilution.com , the album will kindly be delivered to you via email in a one zip file. If you do not have software that opens zip files, please do not order, thank you beloveds.
*While Belief is very important, please make sure to drink plenty of pure water to maximize the effects of the frequencies.
*All Quadible creations are backed by pure love energy, LOVE is the most powerful vibration in the YOU-niverse.
What Are Audio Attunements?
Due to popular demand, we have created another outlet for all you loving reflections to benefit from. URL Attuned Audio files work with the same potency as our youtube videos work. Some individuals do not have access to the internet and we created this option so that you can still benefit as well.
Universal Attunements are Audio files that are attuned to produce universal results. In other words everyone that listens to the Audio file can obtain results. Since this is Universally attuned it will provide more potent results than URL Attunements and is recommended for individuals who desire something more powerful.
Personal Attunements are Audio Files catered to a specific individual. This means that the audio file differs from the Universal Attunements since it focuses all of its energetic properties and vibrations on one individual, which in turn produces faster results if needed. Keep in mind that this audio file is not needed if you are getting results from URL or Universally Attuned Audio Files
Karmic Attunements are also catered to a specific individual as well. Sometimes individuals may encounter slower results due to karmic reasons. (Yes , vision problems can be due to karmic reasons beloveds.) These audio files are attuned to clear these karmic blockages while providing personal attuned potency as well. Use this only when really needed.
Ethereal Attunements are once again catered to a specific individual, but works on an ethereal level, dealing with physical, spiritual, and auricle as well. This file is recommended for individuals who really serious about results on an etheric level. Blockages can occur on a physical, auricle or spiritual level and this audio works on dissolving these blocks while providing the results needed. This file is not needed if youtube, or the other attunements are working for you.
Celestial Body Attunements are once again catered to a specific individual, but work from a Celestial and Cosmic Genetic Make up thus producing even more amplified energy for faster results. Energized straight from the stars to produce fast molecular restructuring and transmutation of matter across space and time while benefiting all spiritual levels. This file is not needed if youtube, or the other attunements are working for you.
*Ancestral DNA Attunements N/A at the moment.
*Divine Esoteric Attunements N/A at the moment.
*Soul Origin Formatted Attunements N/A at the moment.
**ALL ATTUNEMENTS ARE ENERGIZED AND CATERED TO ONE SPECIFIC INDIVIDUAL ONLY. Will not be effective if other person listens. They are specifically created to magnify the intensity and focus to one individual thus creating faster results.
*Please keep in mind that Ethereal and Celestial Attunements can take 1 to 14 business days to deliver to do the extra customized work involved in preparation of the Audio file. Sometimes it may take even longer depending on many occurrences- We ask that you please be patient during the creation of your amazing attunement. If you cannot wait, please do not purchase. If you are getting great results from our youtube videos, then these audio files are not needed my beloveds.
***NOTE: Once you receive a link to your download/downloads, it is recommended that you download the file or Files and SAVE into your mobile device, computer or any other digital storage you may have as the link eventually expires.
Thank you for your loving energy.
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