WE ARE ONE - Everything Is Energy

How to Cleanse & Charge Your Crystals & Gemstones - Spirilution.com

How to Cleanse & Charge Your Crystals & Gemstones - Spirilution.com

Crystals are actually living entities that absorb and store energy, they too from time to time need to be cleansed for their wellbeing and maintenance. This is more especially true for clear quartz crystals compared to other crystals and gemstones. However, all crystals that require cleansing should be cleansed periodically.

There are a few ways to cleanse and charge (recharge) your crystals and gemstones (also referred to as "stones").



You can hold your crystals under running water (in your hands) for a few seconds or minutes and as you do so, consciously hold the intention that all negative energy (picked up) is washed away and the crystal (or gemstone) recharged or reenergized. Just make sure that you don't hold friable or jointed crystals under running water.

friable |ˈfrīəbəl| adjective. easily crumbled : the soil was friable between her fingers.

I'd also recommend to not clean Selenite or Halite type of crystals with water at all as these crystals will dissolve in water, especially Halite. It takes some time for Selenite to dissolve in water.

Personally, I only cleanse polished crystals in water. If the crystals or gemstones are polished (smooth surface or tumbled) I will let them sit in water (with sea salt and a drop or two of essential oil of Lavender and/or Sage added to the water, which is cool and not warm or hot). I will let them sit over night in water (in a large glass container)

The crystals I clean this way above I cleanse at night and dry them off in the morning, this way they are not sitting in water for a very long period of time; only for about 6-8 hours.


I dry them off while polishing them with a cloth. While drying them I am sending or intentioning them with my love and reaffirmation of my original programming (intention) or if necessary, new programming. I have an intimate relationship with my crystals and gemstones.

You can also clean and clear your crystals with ocean water (e.g. at the beach or a real river with running water), holding them in your hand while immersing them in the water. Afterwards, again, I dry them off while polishing them with a cloth. While drying them I am sending or intentioning them with my love and reaffirmation of my original programming (intention) or if necessary, new programming.

Cleaning your crystals and gemstones should be a very intimate process. Crystals are just like plants, receptive to your energy. Being intimate with the crystal (or gemstone) also helps you to bond more with the indwelling deva (elemental) that each and every crystal and gemstone holds or possesses. The crystal in and of itself is not responsible for the information and knowledge it holds though it may appear to be. It is actually the deva within the crystal and/or gemstone that teaches or conveys the information and knowledge to us humans. This recorded information may be from the Earth and dating back hundreds of thousands or millions of years ago, or, it may be from the Universe or Cosmos. Crystals and gemstones can hold millions of years of information regardless of their size. This is why computers use crystals. Computers can hold tons of stored data because of the crystals that are used to make computers.

Crystals are also used to make watches (ever heard of a Quartz watch?) that help us tell linear time and are also used to make DVD and CD players (their lasers contain crystal).

Other crystals and gemstones (e.g. Ruby) are used to make lasers that are used for noninvasive surgical operations.



Now, for friable crystals, clusters, or actually any kind of crystal and/or gemstone, they can be cleansed with sea salt or rock salt. These can be left in sea salt or rock salt (in a glass bowl or container) overnight. Simply bury the crystals and/or gemstones in the salt. In the morning, gently brush the salt or salt specks off (thoroughly). Failure to do so could cause damage to the crystal or gemstone, especially if they are left in a dampened atmosphere.

The great thing about using salt for cleaning crystals is that you don't have to worry about possibly damaging them to the degree you could with water. Water can severely damage crystals and gemstones. This is why the dry method of cleaning crystals and gemstones is the best in my opinion, with smudging being better than using sea salt and/or water.



You can also clean and clear away negative energy in crystals and gemstones by smudging them with Sage (bundle or even incense, though a bundle is best).

Other good incense that produce a cleansing and clearing smoke that can be used for smudging include White Copal, Dragon's Blood, Frankincense, Yerba Santa, and Myrrh.

Yerba Santa is great for clearing crystals and stones for purposes of reprogramming them. Yerba Santa is great for improving clarity.

While smudging your crystals and stones (one at a time), again, you are sending or intentioning them with your love and reaffirmation of their original programming (intention) or if necessary, new programming. You always program one crystal at a time, even if the programming is the same (because no two crystals are the same).



You can also clean and clear crystals and gemstones by passing them through the light of a candle, preferably a white candle. White is the color of purification in chromatherapy.



You can also clean and clear crystals and gemstones with other crystals. There are a few crystals that do not require cleansing and thus can be used to help cleanse and clear other crystals.

A few crystals and stones that do not require cleaning or clearing are Carnelian, Kyanite, Cluster (crystal), and Citrine. These crystals and stones do not require cleansing or clearing because they do not hold negative energy. To use these crystals and stones above for cleansing, purifying, and clearing, simply place one of them in a bag of tumbled crystals and stones. If you keep one of these stones, e.g. Carnelian, in a bag of tumbled or polished stones, you'll never have to worry about cleansing, purifying, or clearing them.



You can also sit your crystals and gemstones outside under natural sunlight to cleanse, purify, and clear them (of negative energy).



If you reside near a beach, burying your crystals and stones in sand (for a few hours) will also cleanse, purify, and clear them of negative energy. Just don't forget where you bury them. Leave a marker in the sand where your crystals and gemstones are buried (as a reminder). Leaving the crystals and gemstones in the sand for a few hours will suffice their cleansing and clearing process.



And last but not least, you can also cleanse, purify, and clear crystals using your own mind - seeing (visualizing) a bright light cast around your crystals and gemstones. This is a form of mental science. 

In conclusion, just because you clean or cleanse, purify, and/or clear your crystals and gemstones of negative energy doesn't necessarily mean you have to reprogram them of their original intention or programming. Only reprogram your crystals and gemstones if and when you feel a need to. Otherwise, simply just cleanse, purify, and clear them whenever you feel a need to do so.


Basically, your crystals and gemstones will let you know when they want to be cleansed, purified, and/or cleared; if you feel you are not in tune enough to listen to your crystals and gemstones convey to you that they need cleansing and clearing, simply cleanse and clear them every 30 days or 3 months; and if you use crystals and gemstones a lot as I do (for healing purposes and for chakra balancing purposes), then you will need to cleanse, purify, and clear your crystals and gemstones often - in some cases, after every use, e.g. when you place them on someone's body (in the case of chakra balancing).

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